Sunday, 16 February 2014

There are times when building software that our customer asks us to create items that are out of the box. One such request was to integrate SagePay Tokenization to Nop Commerce 1.80. Having had experience on implementing SagePay for simple websites as well as development for NopCommerce I realised it should not be too difficult to marry the systems. Generally there are 3 components to the system 1) The Payment Class 2) The Notification Class 3) The Database What the system does is that it creates a payment Item that then spins out to SagePay directly, The Notification class is an intermediate website that communicates back and forward to enable SagePay to give us its transaciton information and weather or not a payment passed for failed. After this it then redirects to the appropriate page. It is a really complicated project and I will hopefully write about it later and explain more, However for now feel free to browse my source code directly on SourceForge to gain an overview of what it does.

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